
  • Clarification colposcopy Vulvoscopy

What are dysplasias?

Dysplasias are abnormal changes in the appearance or structure of cells or tissues. These changes may indicate impaired normal development. Dysplasia can occur in various tissues and organs, and the term is often used to describe changes in epithelial tissues that line the outer surfaces of organs and structures in the body. It is important to note that dysplasia does not necessarily mean cancer, but it can be a precancerous condition. This means that dysplastic cells can develop into cancer cells, but it does not necessarily have to happen.

How does dysplasia occur?

Cervical dysplasia is usually caused by an infection with a human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a group of viruses that can be transmitted sexually. Some types of HPV have the potential to cause cervical dysplasia and later cervical cancer. It is important to note that not all HPV infections lead to cervical dysplasia, and in many cases the infection clears on its own without any noticeable changes. Regular gynaecological examinations and Pap smears allow early detection of cervical dysplasia, which can enable effective treatment.

Therapy options

The diagnosis and management of dysplasia depends on its cause, the tissue involved and the degree of change. In some cases, surveillance may be sufficient, while in other cases interventional treatment may be necessary to eliminate the risk of cancer development. If you have been diagnosed with an abnormality of the cervix, vagina or labia that requires treatment, it can usually be removed gently. We offer all modern treatment methods:

Laser treatment

Precise excision and vaporization of suspicious areas and warts.

Local treatment

Local and medicinal treatment with creams and suppositories.

High-frequency loop removal (LEEP)

Tissue is removed from the cervix using an electric snare under colposcopic guidance.

Hysteroscopy / Resectoscopy / Abrasio

Methods for viewing the inside of the uterus and removing tissue under visual control.

What you bring along

  • A referral from your gynecologist
  • The current cytological findings
  • The health insurance card